Saturday, July 16, 2005

Big Boobies!!!

This happened a week back or so...
One Saturday, my tito invited me to tag along with him to one of his lunch meetings with one of his clients. I don't know why he invited me, maybe he just wanted to take advantage of his client, who was paying for the food, or most probably he just wanted someone to drive him to the place. But regardless, I readily agreed. "Free food is always good food" i always say,
The lunch meeting was in albas (that spanish eat all you can place in Eastwood. We (me, my tito and tita) got there early and i eagerly stuffed my face with food! Then, his client came. She too wasn't alone. She brought some family, at least i think they were. Anyways, this one girl really caught my attention (this girl i later found out was the client's daughter). She wasn't easy on the eyes, but she had the biggest set of mammary glands i've seen... EVER! They were humungous! Gargantuan! Enormous! They were very, very, very large!! Plus, she was wearing clothing that "accentuated" her.... umm assets.
She sat across from me and despite my best efforts. I couldn't help but ogle at them! They were mezmerising to say the least! I couldn't help it, I was hypnotized by those... things. They had their own gravitational pull. Needless to say, i was so distracted by this display, that i had a hard time eating. Its not that i was attracted to her, like i said, she wasn't really easy on the eyes. I was just so damn distracted!!! The whole time I was there, I willed myself not to stare, plus i hoped that the people around me didn't notice how uncomfortable i was...
Well they did. My tito and tita at least. On the way home, i couldn't help notice the two of them grinning at me. Until tita Marilyn broke the ice and accused me of staring at the girl's breasts... Nobody talked for a while. Total silence. I didn't know what to say. I just stammered...
"B-but...but they were soooo big!"
And we all started laughing are asses off all the way home! Yes! in my family, elders don't berrate us young guys for ogling at girl's love handles... they compound the wrong doing with a sizeble amount of mirth and laughter!! Never have i been prouder of my heritage...


Fred said...

Ingit ka? =P

xtiane said...

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew!!! Manyak!!! MAAAAAANYAAAAAAAK!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

shaddap!! sabing na distract lng ako e.. na distract dammit!!!

xtiane said...